What can you expect from training?

The foremost aim of karate-do as a martial art is to build up an individual’s character. It means the tough karate technique practice unites the mind and body in an infinite way of self-culture. Therefore, daily practice of karate-do should not be dedicated solely to superiority of technique and power, but to foster mutual respect among students, regardless of age and gender. SKF organization promotes and expands the art of empty hand among different age and social groups, aiming to improve society as a whole. It is a combative sport of strong willpower and precise techniques used to instantly reach the target with huge impact power. It cannot be called Karate-do until one puts the state of mind over the technical aspect, which only can be achieved through courtesy. Karate also helps with coordination, balance, confidence, fitness, flexibility, and mental focus and concentration.

Sport karate focuses on Kata and Kumite which is required for School Games, University Games, Asian games and World Championship conducted by WKF. World Karate Federation (WKF) being the world’s largest organization overseeing the sporting side of martial arts.

Karate Designed for physically challenged people. The key focus is to create awareness, that even physically challenged people can practice karate. Karate doesn’t put a restriction on anybody and it gives a self moral to these people. We have expertise team who are specially trained to teach people with special needs. Our Kancho Kenichi Fukamizu is coach of Sensei Oba Yasushi of Japan who took the crown in Male Blind/Visually impaired category after getting bronze in Linz 2016 and silver in Bremen 2014, World Karate Federation Gold Medalist 2018, (WKF) Para karate in Kata.


We conduct Kids classes starting from the age group of 4 yrs onwards, adult classes starting from age 18yrs and above and private lessons for those who find difficult to adjust to our schedule timing.